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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(4); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(4): 1-14.
유아의 일상적 스트레스에 영향을 미치는 미시체계 변인 탐색
박성혜 , 김광웅
An Analysis of Microsystem Variables Affecting Children`s Daily Hassles
Park Seong Hye , Kim Gwang Ung
The daily hassles of 5-year-old children were explored and analyzed as microsystems in order to discover the relative importance of ecological factors in children`s daily hassles. The subjects were 322 children, their mothers and 34 teachers recruited from 5 kindergartens and 15 child-care centers in Seoul and Kyonggido province. Children were interviewed individually with pictures showing certain stressful situations. Questionnaires were administered to mothers and teachers. The findings indicated that the microsystem variables of Kindergartens and child-care centers were the most significant factors explaining children`s daily hassles. Therefore, it was suggested that the policies and regulations on child-care facilities be carefully developed and strictly regulated.
Key Words: daily hassles, microsystem variables, ecological factors
주요어: 일상적 스트레스, 미시체계 변인, 생태학적 요인
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