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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 35(4); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2014;35(4): 17-40.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.4.17
디지털 시대의 아동 미디어 관련 연구동향 분석
이란 , 현은자
An Analysis of the Research Trends on Children`s Media in the Digital Era
Ran Lee , Eunja Hyun
The aims of this study were three-fold; to analyze the trends of research on children`s media, to anticipate any transitions in the direction of the research and finally to provide a guidance for future directions in the research. For this purpose, 55 research papers were chosen. The tool used for this analysis was that developed by Meyrowitz(1998; 1999), which classifies(1998, 1999) three main viewpoints towards media. Based on these three viewpoints, this study found that the most common category is ‘media as a vessel.’ Furthermore, it was verified that some studies in ‘media as a vessel’ have a tendency to be mixed with the notion of ‘media as a language.’ Subsequently, all the research papers in the category of ‘media as a language’ were subcategorized into 6 digital literacy competencies, in the manner proposed by Hobbs(2010). Consequently, the studies in the category of ‘creation’ were revealed to be the most common, and it was further confirmed that the research included in the categories of ‘reflection’ and ‘social action’ both begins to partially appear. Based on these results, this study speculates on a number of educational points supporting the development of media education in the digital era.
Key Words: children, media, media education, media literacy, digital literacy
주요어: 아동, 미디어, 미디어 교육, 미디어 리터러시, 디지털 리터러시
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