Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(5): 91-104.
소리내어 책읽기에서 나타나는 실수를 통한 유아의 읽기전략 분석
김정화 , 이문정
The Analysis of Reading Strategies from Errors of Children`s Oral Reading Action
Kim Jeong Hwa , Lee Mun Jeong
This study analized the strategies in beginning readers by age and reading ability. Sixty 4-and 5-year old subjects took a reading test based on Bsatjes & Brown(1997) and Park, et al.(1989). They read contextual and non-contextual storybooks. Errors in oral reading were recorded as mispronunciations, substitutions, omissions, insertions, teacher-assistance and self-corrections. Mispronunciations and substitutions were Specifically evaluated for graphic and contextual reading strategies. Data were analyzed by percentage and mean. Results revealed that children made more mispronunciation errors in reading the non-contextual story book. They used graphic information more than contextual information. Fine-year olds and high-level readers developed the use of graphic and contextual cues simultaneously.