1 |
Relationships of Positive and negative Emotion to Cognitive reappraisal and Expressive Suppression Emotional Regulation Strategies and Self-Control in Adolescence
Sun Hwa Han , On Kang Hyun
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):1-11.
13 |
Reflections on Parenting and its Meaning: Self-Reports of Mothers in Filial Therapy Sessions
Kai Sook Chung , Eun Ha Lee , Eun Kyoung Goh
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):13-34.
35 |
Analysis of Variables for Classifying Types of Outsiders in Bullying Situations
Mi Jeong Seo , Kyong Yeon Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):35-51.
53 |
The Effects of Home Literary Environment, Reading Attitude, Perceived Verbal Ability, and Preference for Verbal Expression on the Writing Performance of the Verbally Gifted
Cho Hee Yoon
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):53-68.
69 |
A Study on Infant Attachment Classification and Maternal Attachment representation
Mi Kyoung Jin
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):69-79.
81 |
Variables Influencing the Role Performance of Public Kindergarten Teachers
Boo Kyung Cho , Ok Jah Nam
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):81-96.
97 |
The Relationship Between Parents` Emotional Expressiveness and Children`s Self-Regulation
Eun Hee Yoo , Mi Ok Lim
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):97-106.
107 |
Effectiveness of a Filial Game Play Therapy Program on Parents` Acceptance Capability and Stress in Lower Income Families
Jae Hawn Kim , Jung Min Boo
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):107-121.
123 |
Qualitative Research on Changes in Conceptions of Disability by Non-Disabled Preschoolers in the Inclusive Classroom
Hee Yeon Kang
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):123-148.
149 |
Parental Behavior Control Recognized by Children and Its Effect on Children`s Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution Strategies in Peer Friendships
Min Young Lee , Kwang Woong Kim , You Jin Cho
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):149-165.
167 |
Effects of a Consumer Education Program Based on an Integrated Approach for Teaching Consumer Behavior
Kil Hee Byon , Sung Kyung Sim , Hwa Jin Song , Young Sim Park , Joong Guen Kim , Eun Ah Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):167-181.
183 |
Relationships Between Learning-Related Social Skills, Early School Adjustment and Academic Achievement of First-Grade Children
Sun Young Kim , Sun Hee Ahn
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):183-197.
199 |
A Semiotic Analysis of the Process of Documentation: Visual Ethnography
Mi Suk Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):199-215.
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Te Relationship Between the Communicative Gesture and the Vocabulary Acquisition of Infants
Eui Hyang Kim , Myoung Soon Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):217-234.
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The Understanding of Kindergarten Children about the Transition to Elementary School
Kyung Soon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):235-248.
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Depression in Adolescence: Path Analysis of the Effects of Socio-Environmental Variables and Cognitive Variables
Seon Ha Kim , Choon Kyung Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):249-261.
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Relationships Between Infants` Temperament and Early Vocabulary Acquisition
You Kyung Chang Song , Keun Young Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(6):263-276.