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Table of Contents | , 2001  Vol. 22  No.4 | Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive |
In this issue:


1 Children`s Peer Competence : Relationships to Maternal Parenting Goals , Parenting Behaviors , and Management Strategies
Ju Hee Park,Un Hai Rhee
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):1-15.
17 The Influence of Parenting and Peer Relationship on the Development of Child`s Self - Concept : A Longitudinal Study
Sa Rah Lee,Seong Yeon Park
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):17-32.
33 Assessment by Parents and Teachers of Young Children`s Potential Abilities Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory
Myoung Hee Kim,Hwa Sik Shin
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):33-50.
51 A Meta - analysis of Social Skills Training for Socially Isolated Children
Yeon Soo Yoo,Yang Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):51-67.
69 Conflict Resolution Strategies of School - Aged Children : Peer Status and Friendship
Song Yee Kim,Kyung Ja Park
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):69-84.
85 Effects of Mother`s Support and Peer Acceptance on Children`s Self - Esteem : The Moderating Effects of a Best Friend`s Support
Kyong Lee Park,Kyong Yeon Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):85-97.
99 Relationships between Children`s Friendship Quality , Self - Perception and School Adjustment
Eun Jung Moon,Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):99-113.
115 Children`s Self - Control : Effects of Mother`s Parenting and Children`s Reflection
Gi Sook Kang,Kyung Nim Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):115-132.
133 Korean Children`s Concepts of Adult and Peer Authority
Jung Min Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):133-147.
149 Adolescent Friendships : Differences in Function , Structure , and Satisfaction by Internet and Real Life Variables
Joo Hyun Suh,An Jin Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):149-166.
167 Moderating Effects of Daily Life Activity Experiences on the Relationship between Stress and Violent Behaviors in Early Adolescence
Mee Ry Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):167-188.
189 The Relationship between Caregivers` Characteristic Variables and Quality of Child Care
kyoung Sun Lee,Yeung Suk Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):189-199.
201 An Analysis of Toddlers` Interactions with their Peers and Caregivers According to the Class Size of the Child Care Centers
Hye Jin Kwon,Soon Hyung Yi
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):201-212.
213 Communication Processes and Contents of the Supervisory Conferences between the Cooperating Teacher and the Student Teacher in Kindergarten
Ae Ri Rhee,Eun Hye Park
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):213-224.
225 The Effects of Kindergarten Teachers` Efficacy Belief on Mathematics Education Practices
Chung Hee Chung
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):225-241.
243 A Study of the Effects of Children`s Music Drama Activity on Literacy, Musical Ability and Physical Expression
Heo Suk Lee
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):243-255.
257 Teacher`s Belief in Young Children`s Play : A Q - approach
Young Sook Kim,Sung Soo Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):257-269.
271 Constructivist Approach to Early Childhood Education : Reflections on Constructivist Teaching
Sun Young Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):271-283.
285 The Effect of Puppetry for Improving the Acceptance of Young Children toward Young Children with Disabilities
Soo Ok Yoo,Su Mi Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):285-297.
299 A Study on English Education in Private Kindergartens in Korea
Ok Seung Yang,Jin Young Kim,Hyun Hee Kim,Young Sil Kim
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):299-313.
315 The Effectiveness of the Embodiment Method Based on Confucian Mind Theory on the Children`s Basic Life Habits and Autonomy
Hye Won Kang,Kwon Jong Yoo,Choong Shik Park
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):315-330.
331 Young Children`s Abilities to Differentiate Hypothesis from Evidence
Moon Nam Lee,Hye Eun Chu
Korean J Child Stud.2001;22(4):331-341.
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