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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 22(4); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(4): 99-113.
아동의 친한 친구와의 관계와 자아지각 및 학교적응과의 관계
Relationships between Children`s Friendship Quality , Self - Perception and School Adjustment
Eun Jung Moon,Hee Og Sim
In this study of the relationships between quality of children`s friendships, their self-perception and school adjustment, 434 4th, 5th, and 6th graders replied to a series of questionnaires. Girls reported higher levels of quality of friendship in the areas of emotional security, help, intimacy, and acknowledgement than boys. Boys showed higher levels of self-perception in cognitive competence, athletic ability and social acceptance than girls. Positive friendship quality and friendship satisfaction were related to self-perception and school adjustment. Variables that influenced school adjustment were social behavior, cognitive competence, global self-worth, pleasure in companionship, and athletic ability. For boys, variables which influenced school adjustment were social behavior, cognitive competence, pleasure in companionship, and global self-worth. For girls, the variables were global self-worth, cognitive competence, trust, social behavior, and athletic ability.
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