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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(2); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(2): 145-164.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.2.145
아동학회지 : 부부갈등과 어머니의 분노 및 우울이 유아의 행동문제에 미치는 영향
도현심 , 김민정 , 최미경 , 김상원 , 조수정
Contents : The Effects of Marital Conflict and Mothers' Anger and Depression on the Behavioral Problems of Preschoolers
Hyun Sim Doh , Min Jung Kim , Mi Kyung Choi , Sang Won Kim , Soo Jung Cho
This study examined the effects of marital conflict and mothers` anger and depression on the behavioral problems of preschoolers. A total of 393 mothers with 3-year-old preschoolers responded to questionnaires, which included items related to marital conflict, mothers` anger and depression, and their preschoolers` behavioral problems. Data were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. The results indicated that marital conflict had no direct effect, but there were indirect effects on preschoolers` behavioral problems caused by mothers` anger and depression. Mothers who believed that they were experiencing high levels of marital conflict revealed high levels of anger and depression and reported higher rates of behavioral problems in their children. Mothers` depression also mediated the impact of marital conflict on preschoolers` behavioral problems, but mothers` anger level apparently did not. The effects of mothers` level of depression on preschoolers` behavioral problems were the highest among all the predictors. These findings imply that both improving marital relationships and regulating mothers` anger and depression levels need to be emphasized when designing prevention and intervention programs aimed at improving the behavioral problems of preschoolers.
주요어: 부부갈등, 어머니의 분노, 어머니의 우울, 유아의 행동문제 marital conflict mothers` anger mothers` depression preschoolers` behavioral
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