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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 8(2); 1987 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1987;8(2): 45-60.
부모의 권위에 대한 아동의 지각 연구
Children's Perception of Parental Authority
Kyung Hi Kim
This research examined children`s perception of parental authority within three different types of rules : moral, social-conventional, and personal issue. Specifically, two major aspects of parental authority-legitimacy and obedience-were explored. The subjects of this study were 120 children from an elementary school in Kwangju. There were 40 subjects (20 males and 20 females) in each of three age groups: 7-, 9-, and 11- year-olds. The subjects were administered an interview individually. Based on Tisak (1986) open-ended questions concerning three family rules (moral rule, social-conventional rule, personal issue) were administered. Responses to the assessment questions were coded as positive or negative. Responses to the judgment conception questions were coded into 7 categories : Other`s Walfare, Social Coordination, Personal choice, Deservedness of Punishment for Wrongdoing, Existence of Authority, Conflicting Personal Interest and Authority, and Personal Development. Statistical analysis of obtained data was by percentage and χ₂ test using log linear procedure. The results were as follows : (1) There was a significant main effect of type of rule on the children`s assessment regarding legitimacy and obedience of parental authority. The children (average 96%) stated that it was all right for parents to make rules prohiliting an act when it pertained to moral and social conventions. However, the majority of the children (average 40%) stated that it was not right for parents to regulate personal issues. (2) There was a significant interaction effect between type of rule and age. (3) There was a significant main effect of rules on the children`s judgment conception of parental authority. (4) There was a significant interaction effect between rules and ages on children`s judgment conception of parental authority.
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