영아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 양육지식과 어머니-교사 관계가 양육스트레스에 미치는 영향 |
김정미 , 문승미 , 김유정 , 안선희 |
Contents : The Effects of Maternal Parenting Knowledge and Mother-Caregiver Relationship on Parenting Stress |
Jeong Mi Kim , Sung Mi Moon , Yu Kyung Kim , Sun Hee Ahn |
Abstract |
This study examined the effect of parenting knowledge and mother-caregiver relationship on maternal parenting stress. The participants in this study consisted of 297 mothers of 1∼3 years old children at daycare centers in Daegu, Korea. The participants completed questionnaires on their parenting knowledge, mother-caregiver relationship, and parenting stress. The results indicated that mothers` parenting knowledge and parenting stress were not-significantly related, but mother-caregiver relationship and mothers`parenting stress were significantly related. A close look at the effect of parenting knowledge and mother-caregiver relationship on maternal parenting stress, while maternal parenting knowledge did not influenced directly parenting stress, mother- caregiver relationship was a significant variable predicting mother`s parenting stress. In particular, when a mother and caregiver develop a positive relationship, maternal parenting stress was lower. These results seem to indicate that the positive relationship between mother and caregiver is very important. |
Key Words:
parenting stress, parenting knowledge, mother-caregiver relationship |
양육스트레스, 양육지식, 어머니-교사 관계 |