보육교사를 위한 영아용 가정환경 척도 개발 연구 |
김정민 , 김지현 , 정현심 |
The Development of a Korean Home Environment Scale for Infants and Toddlers |
Jung Min Kim , Ji Hyun Kim , Hyun Sim Jung |
Abstract |
This study was aimed at developing a scale to evaluate Korean home environments for infants and toddlers for the purpose of being used by teachers caring for infants and toddlers. The subjects of this study were 250 mothers of 0- to 2-year-olds. Mean, SD, x2, Cramer`s V, factor analysis, Pearson correlations, Cronbach`s α were calculated in order to analyze the outcomes of this study. As a result, 38 items of the scale were found to be satisfactory in terms of item distribution and item discrimination. Four factors with 21 items were extracted from the factor analysis:``developmental stimulus``, ``responsivity``, ``encouragement of verbal interaction``, and ``arrangement of daily routines``. Our analysis of the correlation of this scale with SES, HOME, and children`s developmental outcomes showed acceptable concurrent validity. Internal consistency of this scale was high. These results identify this scale as a valid and reliable measure of the Korean home environment for infants and toddlers. |
Key Words:
Korean Home Environment Scale, infant/toddler, development of a scale |
가정환경 척도, 영아, 척도개발 |