어머니용 양육의미척도 개발연구:영아 어머니를 중심으로 |
김연숙 , 이종희 |
Contents : Development of Meaning of Parenting Scale for Mothers:Focusing on Mothers of Infants and Toddlers |
Yeon Sook Kim , Jong Hee Lee |
Abstract |
This study sought to develop a ``Meaning of Parenting Scale for Mothers(MPS-M)`` in order to measure how Korean mothers perceive the meaning of parenting. To this end, in Study I, a preliminary scale was designed, based firstly on socio-cultural and evolutionary psychological perspectives and secondly on the responses from 118 mothers concerning meaning of parenting. This was followed up by the collection of 887 mothers` responses to the preliminary scale, which then underwent exploratory factor analysis for scale revision. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on a collection of responses from 548 mothers using the revised scale. Concurrent validity was tested using a parenting stress scale, and reliability was then checked by conducting calculations for internal consistency. As a result, the MPS-M was finally developed, consisting of 25 items under six factors: ``Internal Maturity``, ``Restoration of Naturality``, ``Familial Union``, ``Physical Burden``, ``Affective Disorientation``, and ``Comprehensive Loss``. Accordingly, the meaning of parenting was statistically confirmed as a hierarchical two-sided concept possessing six factors under positive and negative meaning categories. |
Key Words:
meaning of parenting, meaning of parenthood, value of child, mother nature, the continuum concept, the tending instinct, evolutionary psychology |
양육의 의미, 부모 됨의 의미, 자녀가치, 자연 모성, 연속성의 개념, 보살핌 본능, 진화심리학 |