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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 23(5); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(5): 139-151.
일상적 스트레스와 또래 괴롭힘의 가해와 피해경험: 학년과 성별 비교
김길임 , 심희옥
Daily Hassles, Bullying and Victimization: A Comparison of Grade and Gender
Gill Im Kim , Hee Og Sim
This study explored the conditions of daily hassles and the relations between daily hassles, bullying, and victimization by grade and gender. Data were collected from 530 1st-6th grade children through questionnaires. The extent of stress, bullying, and victimization of children differed by grade and gender. Males reported higher parent-, study-, and friend-related stress than females. Bullying and victimization were highly related to each other. Most bullying appeared in 3rd-6th grade children while most victimization occurred in 1st-end grade children. Most bully/victims were in 5th-6th grade children. More females than males were not-involved and victimized. More males than females were bullies and bully/victims. Bullies, victims, bully/victims, and not-involved children experienced different degrees of daily hassles.
Key Words: daily hassles, bullying, victimization
주요어: 일상적 스트레스, 또래 괴롭힘 가해, 또래 괴롭힘 피해
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