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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(6); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(6): 241-257.
학령기 아동이 지각한 부모의 양육행동 및 또래 괴롭힘 경험
노경선 , 심희옥
Bullying and Victimization with Perception of Parenting Behaviors among Elementary School Children
Kyung Son Ro , Hee Og Sim
Data were collected from 514 elementary school students from 1st to 6th grade with questionnaires on Parental Behavior, Bullying, and Peer-Victimization. Sixth graders reported the lowest perception of warmth-acceptance, and 1st graders reported the highest perception of rejection-restriction by fathers. Males perceived more parental rejection-restriction. Children perceived more warmth-acceptance from mothers, and they perceived more permissiveness-nonintervention from fathers. Parenting behaviors were significantly related to bullying and victimization. The Bullying/Victimization group reported the lowest parental warmth-acceptance. Both Victimization and Bullying/Victimization groups showed higher parental rejection-restriction than other groups. The Victimization group showed highest paternal permissiveness-nonintervention. Victimization and Bullying/Victimization groups reported higher maternal permissiveness-nonintervention than other groups.
Key Words: parenting behaviors, bullying, victimization
주요어: 부모 양육행동, 또래 괴롭힘 가해, 또래 괴롭힘 피해
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