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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 22(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(2): 301-313.
유아의 문식성과 컴퓨터로 쓰기와의 관계에 대한 연구
The Relationship between Children`s Literacy and Writing with a Computer
Yeon Yim Yang,Young Sil Kim
This study explored the linkage between literacy and writing with a computer in three-to five-year-old children. The 57 subjects were closely observed as they produced written language forms using the word processing program, Araeha Hangul. Stages of writing with a computer were developed to assess the children`s computer-writing. While writing with a computer, children invented letters, words, and sentences in an experimental and playful way. Children`s writing with computer improved with age. There was a positive correlation between writing with a computer and writing with a pencil. In this way, computer writing was found to be part of written language development.
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