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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(4): 1-17.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.4.1
까다롭게 먹는 유아의 식습관과 성장발육 및 어머니의 식사지도와의 관련성
The Relationship between Children`s Picky Eating Behavior, Physical Growth and Mother`s Child Feeding Practice
Jae Eun Lee
The purpose of this study was to detennine the correlation between young children`s picky eating behavior and mother`s aHitudes, beliefs and practices regarding the eating habits of children. Using a sample of 304 motllers of four or rIve year-old children, confIrmatory factor analysis was conducted to lest a 7 faclor model, whkh included mother`s beliefs and praclices related to the feeding of their children. Following this, a !-test was conducted to examine the differences between the feeding behaviors of mothers of both of picky and non-oicky eaters, respectively. The results indicated that picky eater`s eating behaviors were positively related to the pressures exerted by mothers and negatively related to the mother`s concerns about their child`s weight and child`s BMI. These findings suggest utat the pressures mothers exert upon their children 10 eat, their child`s weight and pic!...")` eating behaviors arc correlated to each other.
Key Words: child eating habit, picky eating child, mother`s child feeding practice, child body weight and body mass index; BMI, pressure to eat
주요어: 유아기 식습관, 까다롭게 먹는 유아, 어머니의 식사지도, 체중과 체질량지수, 식사강요
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