만 2세 영아-어머니, 영아-아버지의 그림책 읽기행동 및 가정문해환경과 영아의 어휘력 간의 관계
임수경 , 김명순
The relationship between Parents` Book Reading Behavior and Home Literacy Enviroment and Their Effect on a Toddler`s Vocabulary
Lim Su Kyung , Myoung Soon Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parent`s behavior during picture-book reading and home literacy environment and their effect on toddlers` vocabulary. The subjects of the study were 46 toddlers and their parents. The MCDI-K(Im,2002), Lee and Kim(2004)`s categories of Verbal Behaviors, the categories of Nonverbal Analysis(Kim,2005), and the Home Literacy environment Index(Han,2006) were used. The analysis of the collected data was guided by the research questions and involved the use of descriptive statistics, t-test and an analysis of relevant correlations. The results of this study were as follows; First, the toddlers` receptive vocabulary score was 1.2 times higher than the toddler`s expressive vocabulary score, Second, the father`s book reading behaviors and mother`s book reading behaviors were quite similar, the most frequent types of behavior being the use of ``feedback``, ``explanation`` ``questioning`` and ``pionting``. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between the reading behavior of the mother and father as regards the categories of ``linguistic attertion``, ``suggesting``, ``directing(instructing)``, ``expanding feedback``, ``pointing`` and ``gesture``. Mothers performend more of these behaviors than the fathers. Third, toddler`s vocabulary scores were positively correlated with the mother`s ``linguistic attention ventilation``. However, the mother`s ues of ``restriction`` was negatively cottelated with the toddler`s vocabulary level. Toddler`s vocabulary scores were positively correlated with the father`s ``description`` ``reasoning/predicting``, ``questioning about function or action``, ``demanding feedback`` and ``pointing``. The toddler``s vocabulary scores were also positively correlated with the relative abundance of home environment materials and the amount of time spent on parent-child home literacy acticity.