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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 23(5); 2002 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(5): 153-166.
통합적 동작활동이 종일제 유아의 기본운동능력 및 신체표현능력에 미치는 영향
정세호 , 엄정애
Effects of Integrated Movement on Children`s Fundamental and Expressive Movement Ability in All-day Kindergarten
Se Ho Jung , Jung Ae Ohm
This study investigated the effectiveness of integrated movement on children`s fundamental and expressive movement ability in all-day kindergarten. Subjects were 52 children in 2 all-day kindergartens in Daejeon. The Subjects were divided into an experimental and a control group. Integrated movement activities were applied in the experimental group for 7 weeks. Integrated movement activities were focused on the life theme according to the annual and weekly education plan and were composed by integrating both the basic area and the application area of movement. At the end of the training period, differences were found in fundamental and expressive movement ability between the experimental and the control groups.
Key Words: movement education, integrated approach, fundamental movement ability, expressive movement ability, all-day kindergarten
주요어: 동작 교육, 통합적 접근, 기본운동능력, 신체표현능력, 종일제 유치원
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