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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 5; 1984 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1984;5: 65-80.
농어촌지역의 양육방법에 관한 연구 - 수유 이유 배변훈련을 중심으로 -
A Study on Child - Care in Rural Korea : Feeding , Weaning and Toilet - Training
Hee Kyou Lim
The purpose of this study was the description of general trends in feeding, weaning and toilet training in agricultural and fishing communities in Korea, where the traditions are better preserved; thereby to present useful material for improving child rearing practices. The results of this study showed that: 1) Breast-feeding is the dominant form of nursing. The mother nurses freely whenever the baby wants to be fed. The mother caresses the baby while she nurses him. The nursing period is relatively long, up to 1 and a half years. 2) Generally, the time of weaning starts late - between 9 months and 18 months. Many mothers apply a bitter tasting solution to their nipples to aid weaning. The many things give a baby foods, the recipe for which the acquire knowledge from his family and acquaintances. 3) Toilet training generally starts after 1 full year. Potties are commonly used. The infant is reminded of its error whenever it makes a mistake and cleanliness is stressed. Urination and defecation are taught to be dirty things. In summary, discipline is not strict enforced but given naturally as the infants grow: This was interpreted in terms of the traditional way of life and geographical characteristics.
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