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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(3); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(3): 129-150.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.3.129
부모에 대한 애착이 학령기 아동의 사회적 능력에 미치는 영향: 공감 능력의 매개적 역할
김정은 , 도현심 , 김민정 , 김재희
The Influences of Parental Attachment on Social Competence of School-Aged Children: The Mediating Role of Empathy
Jung En Kim , Hyun Sim Doh , Min Jung Kim , Jea Hee Kim
The effects of parental attachment and empathy on social competence were examined with a sample of 403 fifth and sixth graders (192 males, 211 females) attending elementary school in Gyoung-gi province. All research variables were measured using self-reported questionnaires conducted by the children concerned. Date were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. The results indicated that parental attachment had no direct effect, but there was an indirect effect on children`s social competence mediated by children`s empathy. Maternal attachment influenced children`s social competence relatively more than paternal attachment. As compared to parental attachment, however, children`s empathy was the more influential variable when it came to social competence. These results were consistent in both genders. The results of this study emphasize that children`s own characteristics such as empathy tend to be important factors in developing social competence compared to the parental role in middle childhood. Accordingly, interventions aimed at improving children`s empathy need to be emphasized in order to develop children`s social competence of gender.
Key Words: parental attachment, empathy, social competence
주요어: 부모에 대한 애착, 공감, 사회적 능력
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