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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(3); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(3): 185-202.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.185
아동의 모래놀이치료에서 물(水)을 통한 연행의 상징 분석
고은경 , 정계숙
An Analysis of the Archetypical Symbols of Children`s Performance with Water During Sandplay Therapy
Eun Kyoung Goh , Kai Sook Chung
The purpose of this study was to understand the archetypical symbols present when conducting sandplay therapy with water from a hermeneutic point of view. The research participants were 6 children aged 8~9 who experienced problems in parent-children relationships. The result were as follows: The nature of archetypical symbols of present when working with water can be structured along two themes, vertical movements and horizontal movements. In vertical movements with three sub-themes, the meaning of ``to put in and boil out`` is interpreted as ``mother`s feeding baby``, the meaning of ``to sink and bring out of water`` is interpreted as ``resource acquisition``, ``to swamp and float on the water`` represents ``death and rebirth``. In horizontal movements consisted of two sub- themes, the meaning of ``to be swept away`` is interpreted as ``initiation and conversion``, the meaning of ``to wave and fix`` is interpreted as ``to overcome the difficulties and create stability``.
Key Words: Sandplay therapy, archetypical symbols, water, performance, narrative hermeneutics
주요어: 모래놀이치료, 원형적 상징, , 연행, 이야기 해석학
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