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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 31(6); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2010;31(6): 135-151.
한국과 중국 유아교사의 DAP 관련 신념과 교수실제의 비교연구
천희영 , 이미란 , 서현아 , 좌승화
A Comparative Study on Early Childhood Teachers` Beliefs and Instructional Activities Regarding DAP in Korea and china
Hui Young Chun , Mi Ran Lee , Hyun Ah Seo , Seung Hwa Jwa
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between teachers` beliefs and instructional activities in regards to the DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) of Korean and Chinese early childhood teachers. A number of both teacher variables and classroom environment variables were also examined. One hundred and ninety three Korean early childhood teachers and 385 Chinese early childhood teachers responded to the TeacherQuestionnaireas issued. The results of this study were as follows. First, Korean early childhood teachers showed higher scores in terms of teachers` beliefs about DAP than DIP (Developmentally Inappropriate Practice). Chinese early childhood teachers showed higher scores for teachers` beliefs about DIP. Second, Korean teachers` scores in terms of instructional activities for DAP showed differences depending on the degree of teaching experience and the teachers` age, and the scores for instructional activities related to DIP did not show any differences in any of the teacher variables. On the other band, Chinese teachers exhibited
Key Words: DAP, Teacher Belief, Instructional Activity
주요어: 발달에 적합한 실제, 교사 신념, 교수실제
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