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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 31(6); 2010 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2010;31(6): 15-34.
사회정보처리 구성요소와 정서요인이 유아의 외현적 공격성과 관계적 공격성에 미치는 여향
최인숙 , 이강이
The Effects Components of Social Information Processing and Emotional Factors on Preschoolers` Overt and Relational Aggression
In Suk Choi , Kang Yi Lee
The present study examines the sex differences in 5-year-old preschoolers` aggression according to the type of aggression (overt, relational) and the effect of components of social information processing (SIP: interpretation, goal clarification, response generation, response evaluation) and emotional factors (emotionality, emotional knowledge, emotion regulation) on their aggression. The subjects were 112 5-year-olds (56 boys, 56 girls) and their 11 teachers recruited from 9 day-care centers in Seoul and Kyung-Ki province. Each child`s SIP and emotional knowledge were individually assessed with pictorial tasks and teachers reported on children`s aggression, emotionality, and emotion regulation by questionnaires. Results indicated that there was a significant sex difference only in the preschoolers` overt aggression. Overtly aggressive response generation in SIP was the strongest predictor of preschoolers` overt aggression while anger of negative emotionality in emotional factors was the strongest predictor of preschoolers` relational aggression.
Key Words: preschoolers, over aggression, relational aggression, social information processing, emotional factors
주요어: 유아, 외현적 공격성, 관계적 공격성, 사회정보처리, 정서요인
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