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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(5); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(5): 1-9.
부모빈곤과 부모양육 행동이 아동의 공격성 행동에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Poverty and Parental Behavior for Predicting High Level Physical Aggression
Kyung Hye Lee
This study addressed ways in which poverty factors are associated with child physical aggression and how these relationships are moderated by parenting behavior. Using a longitudinal approach, parental poverty status was measured when children were 5 months; the Parenting Behaviour Questionnaire (Boivin et al., 2000) was administered when children were 17 months; and mothers reported child physical aggression behaviors when the children were 60 months. Using structure equation modeling analyses, the results of this study confirmed that parenting behavior is a mediator of the linkage between poverty and child physical aggression, showing the urgent need for early intervention for impoverished children.
Key Words: parental poverty, parenting behaviour, physical aggression, longitudinal study
주요어: 부모빈곤, 양육행동, 공격성 행동, 종단적 연구
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