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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 26(2); 2005 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(2): 1-14.
공격행동에 대한 유아의 도덕 판단과 추론: 공격 행동의 의도와 결과 제시 유뮤를 중심으로
박진희 , 이순형
Moral Judgement and Moral Reasoning in 3- and 5-Year Olds: Aggressive Behavior
Jin Hui Park , Soon Hyung Yi
This study investigated moral judgment and moral reasoning about aggressive behavior by intention, presentation of results of aggressive behavior, and age of child. Forty-four 3-year old and forty-six 5-year-old day-care children in Seoul and Kyonggi Province were interviewed individually with 20 pictorial tasks. Data analysis was by frequencies, percentiles, means, standard deviations, paired t-test, and ANOVA(repeated measures). Both age groups judged instrumental and resentment-based types of aggression to be worse than prosocial or rule observance-based aggression. Both age groups judged aggressive behavior to be worse when results of aggression were presented. Five-year-olds judged aggression to be worse on instrumental than on retributive types of intent. Level of reasoning on aggressive behavior was lowest in cases of satisfying resentment Level of reasoning about aggression increased with age.
Key Words: aggressive behavior, moral judgment, moral reasoning
주요어: 공격 행동, 도덕 판단, 도덕추론
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