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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 26(1); 2005 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(1): 279-297.
청소년 성발달 평가척도 개발을 위한 예비연구
하은혜 , 유미숙 , 조유진
A Preliminary Study on the Sexual Development Assessment Scale for Adolescents
Eun Hye Ha , Mee Sook Yoo , You Jin Cho
The purpose of this preliminary study was to test the validity and reliability Sexual Development Assessment Scale for Adolescents. Subjects were 579 middle school and 504 high school students in Seoul and Gyeonggido. Statistical analyses were by factor analyses, Cronbach`s α, x² value and Cramer`s Ⅴ. Construct validity was composed with 10 factors on sexual Development Assessment Scale for middle school students and 12 factors for high school students. Reliability of each subscale was high and the item discrimination, x² value and Cramer`s V were also meaningful.
Key Words: Adolescent, Sexuality, Sexual Development, preliminary study
주요어: 청소년, , 성발달, 예비연구
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