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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(6); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(6): 117-130.
유아교사의 교육신념과 교수효능감의 관계 연구
장영숙 , 황윤세 , 최미숙
Relationship between Educational Beliefs and Teaching Efficacy of Early Childhood Teachers
Young Sook Jang , Yoon Se Hwang , Mi Sook Choi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between educational beliefs and teaching efficacy of early childhood teachers. The subjects were 291 early childhood teachers in Gwangju City and Jeonnam Province. The research showed that teachers` educational beliefs were significantly associated with teaching efficacy for the teachers who have more than five-year-teaching career. In addition, teachers who had maturational educational belief showed higher scores in general teaching efficacy throughout all educational level. Moreover, teachers who had maturational educational belief and interactional educational belief showed higher teaching efficacy scores in public and private kindergartens and private childcare centers.
Key Words: educational belief, teaching efficacy, early childhood teacher
주요어: 교육 신념, 교수효능감, 유아교사
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