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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(2); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(2): 121-138.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.2.121
학령기 아동의 성별에 따른 자기 지각과 우울 간 관계
공인숙 , 민하영
The Relationship between Self- Perceptions and School Children`s Depression according to Gender
In Sook Kong , Ha Yeoung Min
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self- perceptions and school children`s depression according to their gender. The Participants comprised 578 school age children in Daegu or Gyeongbok Province. The Participants completed measures of se1f- perception (SPPC) and depressi0n (CDI). The SPPC consisted of 6 domains, self- perception, scholastic competence, social acceptance, athletic competence, physical appearance, behavioral conduct and global self- worth. The collected data were analyzed by mean` of MANOVA, Repeated version). Measures MANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis, using SPSS PC, 19.0 The results were as follows. (1) Among the domain specific areas of self-perception, global self worth scored the highest amongst the other subscales, scholastic competence, social acceptance, athletic competence, behavioral conduct and global self- worth, in both boys and girls. (2) Level of depression in school children differed according to sex and domain specific self- perception which was social acceptance, physical appearance, behavioral conduct and global self worth. (3) Self- perception on depression was a more salient predictor in girls than boys. Among the domain specific area of self- perception, global self worth was the best predictor in both boys and girls.
Key Words: school children `s depression, boys and girls, domain specific self-perception
주요어: 학령기 아동의 우울, 성별, 자기 지각
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