유아기 부모를 위한 부모역할지능척도(PIS)의 개발 |
현미숙 |
Study on Parental Intelligence Scale Development in Parent at Childhood |
Mi Sook Hyon |
Abstract |
This study is an attempt to develop the `Parental Intelligence Scale`, which can be applied in the parent education and counselling and provide more useful information for more appropriate interventions by evaluating the characteristics of parent`s roles and strong/weak points of the parent`s roles under the special situation and environments. In developing the scales, this study reviews of numbers of existing literatures, analysis of scales and tools on parent`s role or attitude, collection of episodes on parent`s role, validity check processes by field experts, and 2 rounds of factor analysis. The outcomes of the study are as follows; In regard of the development of Parental Intelligence Scale, 3 factors of care-giving role, management role, nurturing role were derived from the conceptual and measurement model. From these 3 factors, 8 sub-factors of empathy, encourage, enhancement, rational authoritativeness, flexibility, rejection, acceptance, control were constructed. 39 question items were derived in order to measure these sub-factors. Especially through the two rounds of factor analysis, the question items with enhanced internal consistency were derived and total cumulative variance was increased, which made theoretical model into the generalized model possible. |
Key Words:
Parental Intelligence, Parental Intelligence Scale, Parent Education, Parent Counselling |
부모역할지능, 부모역할지능척도, 부모교육, 부모상담 |