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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(4); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(4): 147-162.
이야기 구성과 사회적 행동 설명에서 나타나는 아동의 마음 이론 비교
Children`s Theory of Mind: Story Constructions Compared With Social Behavior Explanations
Young Joo Song
Children 5 and 8 years of age and undergraduates constructed stories using the wordless picture book, "Frog, where are you?" On a separate task, they explained the good and bad behaviors of others. The constructed stories of task 1 and responses of task 2 were audiotaped, analyzed by clauses, and then coded into the mind-related categories. Results showed that on both tasks the subjects used the actor`s desires and intentions much more than the other categories of mind. Undergraduates used more mind-related expressions in making their stories than children, but they were not different from children in considering the minds of others for behavior explanations. Positive but non-significant correlations were found between scores in constructing stories and scores in behavior explanations.
Key Words: theory of mind, social cognition, mental state term, behavior explanation
주요어: 마음에 대한 이론, 사회인지, 정신에 관한 표현, 행동설명
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