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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 22(3); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(3): 229-239.
또래갈등상황에서의 유아의 전략 , 사회적 행동특성 , 그리고 또래수용도와의 관계
Children's Strategies in Peer Conflict Situations Relationships with Social Behavior and Peer Acceptance
Mi Sun Song
This study investigated the relations among children`s strategies in peer conflict situations, social behavior and children`s peer acceptance. Eighty-seven kindergarteners were asked about their strategies in response to 8 hypothetical peer conflict situations. Classroom teachers completed the social behavior rating scale to evaluate children`s behavioral characteristics. Children`s peer acceptance was measured by peer acceptance rating scale. Results indicated that children`s strategies for responding to peer conflicts and their social behavior correlated with peer acceptance, although the linkages were different for boys and girls. Furthermore, children`s strategies correlated with their social behavior.
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