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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(4); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(4): 1-16.
또래 괴롭힘에 관련된 아동의 친구관계와 자아지각
이은해 , 고윤주
Children`s Friendship and Self-perception in Relation to Peer Bullying and Victimization
Un Hai Rhee , Yun Joo Koh
Relationships between peer bullying/victimization, friendship, and self- perception were examined in a sample of 279 fourth, fifth, and sixth grade elementary school students. Data on peer bullying/victimization was collected by peer report using Korean Peer Nomination Inventory; children reported for themselves on the Friendship Quality Scale and the Self-Perception Scale. Children who were involved in peer bullying/victimization reported fewer reciprocal friends and friends similar to themselves; they also showed low friendship quality. Peer victimization was predictable from low perception of social acceptance and friendship satisfaction, while intimacy with friends and high confidence on physical ability predicted peer bullying.
Key Words: peer victimization, peer bullying, friendship, self-perception
주요어: 또래괴롭힘, 또래 피해, 또래 가해, 친구관계, 자아지각
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