Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(2): 121-135.
시설거주여부 , 성별 및 연령에 따른 초기 청소년의 의사소통 기술과 또래관계 질
Preadolescent Communication Skills and Quality of Peer Relationships by Institutionalization , Sex , and Age
Jin Kyoung Kim,An Jin Yoo
This study compared preadolescent communication skills and quality of peer relationships by institutionalization, sex, and age and tested the correlation between communication skills and quality of peer relationships. The subjects were 98 institutionalized and 115 homereared preadolescents. Interviews measured the communication skills of persuasive, comforting, and listener-adapted abilities. The quality of peer relationships was investigated through questionnaires consisting of both positive and negative factors. The data were analyzed by SPSS. Differences were found between institutionalized and homereared subjects in quality of peer relationships and in communication skills by sex, and age. There was a positive correlation between communication skills and quality of peer relationships.