Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(1): 121-137.
시설거주여부 , 기간 , 연령 및 성별에 따른 6 , 7 세 아동의 어휘력
Vocabulary Competence of 6 - and 7 - year - old Children by Institutionalization , Age , and Sex
Na Ya Choi,An Jin Yoo
This study examined the vocabulary competence of institutionalized and home-reared 6- and 7-year-old children with the use of the Revised Picture Vocabulary Test(Dunn & Dunn, 1981; Korean version, Kim et al., 1995), administered to 113 institutionalized children and 124 middle class home-reared children. Results indicated that the vocabulary competence of institutionalized children was inferior to that of home-reared children. Children who had lived in an institution for two years or more scored lower than those who had been institutionalized for a shorter time. 7-year-olds scored higher than 6-year-olds, regardless of institutionalization. Home-reared girls scored higher than home-reared boys, but there was no sex difference between institutionalized children. These findings suggest that efforts should be directed toward improving the linguistic environment of institutionalized children.