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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 20(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1999;20(1): 99-114.
편모자녀의 가족스트레스와 심리적 복지
Family Stress and Psychological Well-being of Single Mothers and Their Children
Oh Nam Kim
The purpose of this study was to analyze general trends in family resources, stressors, stress perception, coping styles, and psychological well-being and to investigate the effects of socio-demographic variables and family stress influencing psychological well-being in single mother families. The subjects were the 284 children and their mothers living in Kwangju. The major findings were that: (1) Family resources and stress perceptions were lower than the median. Single mother children`s stressors, problem-solving focused coping, life satisfaction, and depression were higher than the median. (2) Children`s life satisfaction was influenced by stress perceptions, problem-solving focused coping, and family strength. Children`s depression was influenced by stress perceptions, emotion-focused coping, family strength, and problem-solving focused coping.
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