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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 18(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1997;18(1): 143-162.
유치원 대집단 읽기 활동과 자유 놀이 시간에서의 이야기 책에 대한 접근 관점과 그 반응에 대한 질적 연구
A Qualitative Study of Korean Kindergarten Children's Reading Stances and Responses in Two Contexts : Official Reading Tasks and Spontaneous Reading Activities
Myn Gyun Kwon
This qualitative study explores the development of young Korean children`s reading stances and responses to children`s books and discusses their literacy development in relation to school reading experiences. Rosenblatt`s theory (1978) of aesthetic and efferent stances is used to characterize the relationship between the reader and the text. A teacher`s reading stances in the official school world are analyzed and their relationships to children`s stances and responses are discussed. The teacher s efferent stance encouraged her children`s responses to he efferent as well. It also influenced children`s assumptions and expectations about the teacher`s reading activities, so that the children came to view these activities only as ways of obtaining factual knowledge and practicing literacy skills. The children`s own interests and intentions during free play time are described in order to understand children`s reading stances in the unofficial school world. The children showed various types of stances during free play time even though they were encouraged to take only one type of stance, i.e., an efferent stance, in the official school world. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for classroom practice and literacy research.
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