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Table of Contents | , 1997  Vol. 18  No.1 | Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive |
In this issue:


5 Analyses of Childrens Daily Activities in Preschools of Middle - and Lower - Income Communities : Focus on Child - Centered Educational Programs
So Eun Lee,Wan Jeong Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):5-21.
23 The sex difference in infants' verbal and nonverbal interactions with their teacher and peers
Soon Hyung Yi,Jung Yeon Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):23-38.
39 Factors Influencing Internal and External Problem Behaviors in Late Elementary School Children : Depression and Antisocial Behavior
Hee Og Sim
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):39-52.
53 Narrative Structure of 4 - and 5 - year - olds by Type of Play Materials
Yoo Lim Shin,Joo Hee Park,Hyoung Young Shin
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):53-63.
65 A Validation Study on the Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale
Young Ock Kwon,Chung Duk Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):65-80.
81 Perception of Parental Filial Piety and Child - Rearing Behavior
Ock Boon Chung,Kwang Woong Kim,Dong Choon Kim,Ka Hyo Yoo,Chong Hee Yoon,Hyeong Hee Jeong,Kyung Soon Choi,Young Hee Choi
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):81-107.
109 Relationships between Adolescence's Sensation Seeking and Their Risk Behaviors
Mi Kyoung Oh
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):109-123.
125 Maternal Traditional - Modern Values , Childrearing Practices and Children's Social Behaviors
Ji Shin Kim,Seong Yeon Park
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):125-142.
143 A Qualitative Study of Korean Kindergarten Children's Reading Stances and Responses in Two Contexts : Official Reading Tasks and Spontaneous Reading Activities
Myn Gyun Kwon
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):143-162.
163 The Relationship between Children's Social Competence and Perceived Peer Relations
Chung ha Lim,Ock Boon Chung
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):163-175.
177 Teacher's Viewpoints on the Desirability of Computers In the Early Childhood Classroom : A Qualitative Study
hyeon Ae Sim,So Hee Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(1):177-198.
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