Korean Journal of Child Studies 1996;17(1): 87-100.
아동의 부모에 대한 애착과 사회적 능력과의 관계
이숙희, 김숙령
Child - Parent Attachment and Social Competence
Sook Hee Lee,Sook Ryong Kim
Sixty-three children aged 5 and 6 years and their mothers and teachers participated in this study examining the association between attachment and social competence. The quality of attachment was assessed using Separation Anxiety Test developed by Slough and Greenberg. Mothers and teachers completed questionnaires regarding family background and social competence(Iowa Social Competence Scale: Preschool), Consistent with attachment theory and previous research, there were significant relationships between children`s attachment quality and their social competence. Attachment scores were positively associated with Social Competence and Leadership scores and negatively with Apprehension and Hypersensitivity scores. In contrast, Avoidance scores were negatively correlated with Social Competence and Leadership scores and positively with Hypersensitivity scores.