한국형 베일리 영유아 발달검사 3판 소근육 운동척도 예비 연구 |
이순행 , 안소현 , 이은지 , 방희정 |
Contents : A Preliminary Study for Standardizing the Fine Motor Scale of the Korean-Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition |
Soon Hang Lee , So Hyun Ahn , Eun Ji Lee , Hee Jeong Bang |
Abstract |
The purpose of the present study was to conduct a preliminary study for developing a Korean version of the Fine Motor Scale of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd Edition(Bayley-Ⅲ). The subjects for this study included 313 Korean infants and toddlers aged from 16 days to 42 months and 15 days. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, the analysis of the degree of item difficulty indicated that the arrangement of the items corresponded with child development by age. Secondly, the analysis of the inter-item consistency, the test-retest reliability and the inter-rater reliability revealed a high degree of reliability of the scale. Thirdly, the Fine Motor Scale of K-Bayley-Ⅲ score showed a significant high correlation with the Motor composite score but a significant moderate correlation with the Language composite score, providing evidence of its convergent and discriminant validity. This study demonstrated that the preliminary version of the K-Bayley-Ⅲ Fine Motor Scales can be applied to assess the development of fine motor skills of Korean infants and toddlers. |
Key Words:
Korean Bayley scales of Infant and Toddler Development-3rd Edition, fine motor scale, item analysis, reliability, validity |
한국형 베일리 영유아 발달검사 3판, 소근육 운동척도, 문항 분석, 신뢰도, 타당도 |