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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 35(5); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2014;35(5): 1-14.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.5.1
영아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 스마트폰 중독 결정요인:사회 인구학적 특성, 양육스트레스, 양육지식을 중심으로
서혜성 , 김연하
Contents : The Determinants of Smartphone Addiction among Mothers of Infants, Focusing on Their Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Parental Stress, and Parental Knowledge
Hye Seong Seo , Yeon Ha Kim
This study explored the determinants of smartphone addiction among mothers of infants, focusing on their socio-demographic characteristics, parental stress, and parental knowledge. A total 220 mothers of infants were surveyed and the collected data were analyzed by binary logistic regression. A considerable percentage (16%) of mothers of infants were observed to be at a risk of smartphone addiction, which was significantly higher than the percentage (8%) of adult population at risk of smartphone addiction reported by the Korean government. Parental stress from dysfunctional parent-child relationships was a risk factor and parental knowledge about infant development was observed to be a protective factor when it came to the smartphone addiction of mothers` with infants. However, socio-demographic characteristics (number of children, age, education, family income, and job) did not have statistically significant associations with their smartphone addiction.
Key Words: smartphone addiction, parental stress, parental knowledge
주요어: 스마트폰 중독, 양육 스트레스, 양육지식
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