외모에 대한 사회문화적 태도 내재화와 신제비교가 여자 청소년의 신체불만족에 미치는 영향 |
정윤주 |
The Mediating Effects of Body Comparison on the Relationship between Internalization of Sociocultural Attitudes toward d Appearance and Body Dissatisfaction among Ad0lescent Girls |
Yun Joo Chyung |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to examine: (1) the relationships among internalization of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, body comparison and body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls; and (2) whether or not body comparison mediates the relationship between internalization of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance and body dissatisfaction. The participants consisted of 291girls from fifth through ninth grades. The data were collected by means of questionnaires given in classroo1m settings. The findings are as follows: there are significant bivariate correlations among internalization of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, body comparison, and body dissatisfaction. Furthermore, body comparison partially mediates the relationship between internalization of sociocultural attitude towards appearance and body dissatisfaction. These results seem to indicate, that the idea that there are multiple standards of beauty and individuality for every person should be Promoted, and this in turn could lower the risk of body dissatisfaction among adolescent girls. |
Key Words:
sociocultural attitudes, appearance, internalization, body comparison, body dissatisfaction |
사회문화적 태도, 외모, 내재화, 신체 비교, 신체불만족 |