아동학회지 : 물체의 “경사면이동현상”에 대한 아동의 지식 변화 |
김은영 |
Korean Journal of Child Studies : An Investigation of Children`s Knowledge Change as a Result of the Sloping Phenomenon |
Eun Young Kim |
Abstract |
the sloping phenomenon according to their ages and the types of tasks they were asked to perform and (2) to investigate whether children`s prior knowledge is changed to post knowledge through their reasoning. A total of 120 subjects forty from each of the age groups 4, 6 and 8 were selected for the study. The major findings are presented below: 8-year old children showed higher levels of prior knowledge than 6-year old children. The prior knowledge level of the “size” task was higher than that of the “weight” task. 6-and 8-year old children showed higher levels of reasoning than 4-year old children. The reasoning level of the “size” task was higher than that of the “weight” task. 6-and 8-year old children showed higher levels of post knowledge than 4-year old children. However there was no difference in children`s post knowledge according to task difference. Through the different types of reasoning involved in the children`s performances of the two tasks changes in the prior knowledge of the sloping phenomenon were observed among all age groups. |
Key Words:
the sloping phenomenon, prior knowledge, post knowledge, reasoning, knowledge change |
경사면이동현상, 사전지식, 사후지식, 추론, 지식변화 |