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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(6); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(6): 169-185.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.6.169
무게중심 찾기 과제 수행과정에서 나타난 아동의 행위와 이론
이귀옥 , 우남희
The Actions Used by Children`s and Their Underlying Theories whilst Engaged in Balance Tasks
Kwi Ok Lee , Nam Hee Woo
This study attempted to analyze in detail the actions used by children and to uncover the theories used by those children whilst engaged in solving balance tasks. Sixty children, aged between 3 to 6 from “H” child care center located in Seoul were selected as the subjects. The children were asked to balance 8 different blocks by putting them on a bar one by one. Two of the 8 blocks were balanced by the center of the length of the block, two were unbalanced by the center of the length because another block is glued on the side of the bottom block, three blocks were unbalanced due to the insertion of a piece of metal in the side of the blocks, and one was completely unbalanced because it consisted of three layers of blocks glued obliquely. Fifteen actions undertaken by the children in solving the tasks were analyzed and divided into 6 categories:place, turning, push, press, support, and others. Children used three theories which were ``no theories``, ‘length centered theory`` and ‘considered both length and weight theory`` whilst engaged in balance tasks.
Key Words: Balance tasks, Solving the problem, Theory of the children, Action of the children
주요어: 무게중심 찾기 과제, 문제해결, 아동의 이론, 아동의 행위
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