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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(6); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(6): 51-69.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.6.51
초등학교 1학년 아동의 자기돌봄경험에 따른 일상생활경험 및 학교생활적응에 관한 연구
Children`s Daily Experience and School Adjustment by Children`s Self-care
Kyoung Eun Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in children`s daily experience and school adjustment of elementary school according to children`s gender and self-care and to explore the relationship between children`s daily experience and school adjustment. Data were collected from the NYPI panel survey of 2010. The data were analyzed by means of Cronbach`s α tests, means, standard deviations, Two-way ANOVAs, and Pearson`s Correlation. The results of this study were as follows:1. There were some significant differences by gender and self-care in daily experience. Girls spent more time in watching TV but less time in games than boys. And self-care children spent less time in learning and reading, but more time in game and TV watching. Also there was a interaction effect of learning experience by gender and self-care. 2. There were some significant differences by gender and self-care in school adjustment. Girls showed more positive school adjustment than boys. And children who are cared for by their parents showed more positive learning and school rule adjustment. 3. There were some significant relationship between children`s daily experience and school adjustment.
Key Words: self-care, children`s daily experience, school adjustment, elementary school
주요어: 자기돌봄, 아동의 일상생활경험, 학교적응, 초등학교
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