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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(2); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(2): 69-89.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.2.69
아동학회지 : 유아용 놀이성 평정 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구
김명순 , 김길숙 , 박찬화
Contents : The Development and Validity of the Children`s Playfulness Rating Scale
Myoung Soon Kim , Gil Sook Kim , Chan Hwa Park
This study was conducted in order to develop a Children`s Playfulness Rating Scale (CPRS) and to analyze it in terms of item discrimination, validity, and reliability. The participants in this study consisted of 861 parents whose children were aged from three to six years old. The item discrimination, determined by comparing the highest and lowest group using χ2, Cramer`s V, was found to be satisfactory. The reliability of factors, as measured by Cronbach`s a, ranged from .85 to .95. The results of factor analysis identified 4 factors and 35 items were then selected from the 45 items in the original scale. The four factors identified were as follows; (1)leading participation (2)cognitive flexibility (3) expression of joy (4)voluntary full immersion. Concurrent validity was also established by using correlations between the CPRS and CPS (Children`s Playfulness Scale). In conclusion, these results demonstrated that the Children`s Playfulness Rating Scale is both reliable and valid.
주요어: 유아용 놀이성 평정 척도, 주도적 참여, 인지적 융통성, 즐거움의 표현, 자발적 몰입 the Children`s Playfulness Rating Scale Leading participation cognitive flexibility
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