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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(1); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(1): 133-145.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.1.133
정서행동문제아의 부모 및 또래에 대한 애착과 두려움, 스트레스 대처행동 간의 관계
The Relationships between Children`s Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Attachment, Fears and Coping Behaviors
Mee Hyang Koo
The present study systematically analyzed the relationships between children`s emotional and behavioral problems, attachment, fears and coping behaviors. The subjects of this study were 63 school-aged children residing in Seoul, Gwangiu and South Jeolla province. The findings indicated that emotional and behavioral problems were negatively correlated to children`s attachments to their fathers and peers. The children`s attachment to peers had a significant correlation as well as behavioral problems and coping strategies used by children in stressful situations. Emotional problems were explained by fears of realistic objects, the seeking out of social support, mother and father attachment, and fears of imaginary objects. In addition, behavioral problems were explained by aggressive coping behaviors and child-father attachment.
Key Words: emotional and behavioral problem, attachment, fear, coping behavior
주요어: 정서행동문제, 애착, 두려움, 대처행동
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