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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(6); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(6): 157-185.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.6.157
제 2 언어 습득에서 유아의 영어 문해 능력에 영향을 미치는 변인 연구: 그림책 읽기에서 어머니의 언어적 행동을 중심으로
이명신 , 김명순
A Study of Factors Influencing Preschoolers` Emergent English as a Second Language Literacy Skills: Maternal Language Behavior in Picture Book Reading
Myoung Shin Lee , Myoung Soon Kim
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing preschoolers` emergent English as a second language literacy skills in terms of maternal language behavior in Korean and English picture book reading. This study was also conducted in order to identify the pathways of each factor. The subjects consisted of 201 mothers and their 3∼5 year-old children from middle income families living in Seoul, Incheon, Gyyounggi-do, and Chungcheongbuk-do. The results indicated that the factors influencing preschoolers` emergent English as a second language literacy skills acquisition were as follows: maternal beliefs about the value of picture book reading, the child`s level of interest in picture book reading, the time spent on picture book reading and maternal language behavior during picture book reading activities. The results further indicate that it is important that the mother shares desirable language interaction with her children in their native language while reading not only Korean but also English picture books when aiming to improve preschoolers` emergent English literacy skills.
Key Words: emergent English Literacy, maternal Language behavior, maternal beliefs about the value of picture book reading, child`s Level of interest in picture book reading, the time spent of picture b
주요어: 유아의 영어 문해 능력, 어머니의 언어적 행동, 어머니 읽기 신념, 유아의 그림책 읽기 흥미, 그림책 읽기 시간
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