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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(3); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(3): 221-239.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.221
어린이집 입학상담의 지금-여기(here and now): 원장들의 에피소드와 은유를 중심으로
김수향 , 권은주 , 정경화 , 이영림
The Here and Now of Admission Counseling at Child-Care Centers -With a Focus on the Episodes and Metaphors as Used by the Principals-
Soo Hyang Kim , Eun Joo Kwon , Kyung Hwa Chung , Young Rim Lee
The purpose of study is to understand how a principal of a child-care center and parents accept different episodes and experiences in admission counselling and their use of metaphorical expressions about this, and to illuminate the current state of play by examining the requirements of parents in selecting a child-care center. The subjects were 10 principals of private child-care centers located in the Gyeongsangbuk province of Korea, and the research materials for episodes and metaphors were collected and analyzed by means of in-depth and telephone interviews during an application period. In terms of the overall climate of the admission counselling, as shown in the various episodes, our results indicated that an increase of parents`` demands occurred through a primarily consumer-centered environment, and the sudden increase in a fathers`` participation, the inside circumstances of admission counselling in progress throughout the year, the non-existence of respect and credibility and the continuity of conflicts and were all observed to co-exist. In terms of the emotional meaning of counselling via metaphors, the following emotions could be inferred; hopelessness, anger, lethargy, stress, fear and eagerness. It is anticipate that this study will make a meaningful contribution to better illuminating and improving the current climates of here and now admission counselling.
Key Words: admission counseling, principal, episode, metaphor
주요어: 입학상담, 원장, 에피소드, 은유
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