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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(3); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(3): 77-90.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.3.77
가정환경과 수치심, 죄책감이 남녀 청소년의 부모화에 미치는 영향
Effects of Family Environment, Shame and Guilt Proneness on Parentification of Male and Female Juveniles
Eun Kyung Kim
This study attempted to examine the differences between male and female juveniles from the perspective of the parentification and to discover if the differences in the effects of shame and guilt proneness on the parentification of juveniles according to gender were observed under the control of negative family environment variables. With this purpose in mind, the researcher measured negative family environments, and the shame proneness, guilt proneness, and parentification of 225 male and 243 female students in middle schools in Seoul. The results indicate that there were differences in the levels of parentification according to gender male juveniles showed higher levels of parentification than female juveniles. In addition, after negative family environment variables were under control, both shame proneness and guilt proneness effected the parentification. Furthermore, while the effects were different according to gender, guilt proneness had a significant effect on parentification for males and shame proneness had a significant effect on the parentification for females. In conclusion, it was suggested that female``s parentification as effected by shame proneness nees to be be noted although male juveniles showed higher levels of the parentification.
Key Words: negative family environment, shame proneness, guilt proneness, parentification
주요어: 부정적 가정환경, 수치심, 죄책감, 부모화
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