이혼 가정 아동의 탄력성에 대한 위험-보호 요인들 간의 경로 분석 |
김승경 , 강문희 |
The Path Analysis Among Risk-Protective Factors on the Resilience of Children from Divorced Families |
Seung Kyoung Kim , Moon Hee Kang |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the paths among the risk-protective factors that related to the resilience based on the Challenge Model. The subjects for this study were 209 children from divorced families in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades of elementary schools in Seoul and Gyunggi-do. As the results, there were 28 paths which affected the resilience of children from divorced families based on the Challenge Model. The protective factors were easy temperament, problem-focused coping style, parental support, peer`s support, higher socio-economic status, experiences in therapy, presence of siblings, contact with adult caretakers. The risk factors were higher grade, emotion-focused coping style, and children`s gender, especially girls. This result demonstrated that each risk and protective factor not only affected resilience separately but interacted with one another. |
Key Words:
divorced family, resilience, risk factor, protective factor, Challenge Model |
이혼 가정, 탄력성, 위험요인, 보호요인, 도전모델 |