Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(6): 191-203.
부모의 이혼여부에 따른 청소년의 우울지각: 청소년이 지각한 부모의 양육태도와 교우관계를 중심으로
유안진 , 이점숙 , 서주현
Perceptions of Parenting, Peer Relationship and Depression of Adolescents from Divorced and Non-divorced Family
An Jin Yoo , Jum Sug Lee , Joo Hyun Suh
This study was to investigate differences in depression, parenting, and peer relationship perceived by adolescents from divorced and non-divorced families. Also, aim that identifies variables which have influences on adolescents` depression. The subjects were 356 middle and high school students who live in Seoul and Incheon. All respondents answered by self-report questionnaire. Data were analyzed by t-test and hierarchical regression. The major findings were as follows. First, adolescents from divorced families perceived more depression than those from non-divorced families. Second, adolescents from divorced families perceived parenting attitude less warm than those from non-divorced families. Third, adolescents from divorced families perceived themselves more isolated and less understood in their peer relationships than those from non-divorced families did. Finally, adolescents from divorced families who feel less isolated and perceive parenting attitude more warm and less maturity-demanding perceived less depression.